Looking into the future through your business's current data

Reduced flight delays and cancelations
Costs of maintaining stockpiles of spare parts are reduced
Technician labor costs are optimized
Engine availability is increased
Customer satisfaction increases
Flight safety is improved
The airline's reputation increases due to the introduction of innovative technologies
Number of
unplanned maintenance and repair work
The availability of airplanes
Maintenance and repair expenses
According to IATA
Number of flight delays
maintenance time
How does it work? General scheme of MRO
One of the methods to improve the accuracy of predictive model is to use modern methods of collecting and processing parameters based on calculations and historical data = data science.

The general pattern gives the idea that the more accurately we can predict the risk of a failure, the less it will cost the company.
Planning tool

The main tasks planned to be solved in the application:
- reduction of decision-making time for elimination of remarks by forming recommendations for action to technical services;
- determination of the technical condition of the engine (AC) by automated formation of diagnostic messages;
- forecasting of tendencies of change in the technical condition of the engine (aircraft).
General functions
Diagnostics requires a variety of tools used to analyze the condition of the GTE, so the application includes the following basic functions implemented in graphical and tabular versions :

Principles of functioning
Fast-data / Slow-data
Analysis based on different intervals allows to identify local anomalies and control trends (degradation)

Forecast module
The ability to build trends of controlled parameters allows to forecast changes in the state of the GTE in the near future

Ranking by criteria
A complete history of data processing allows you to display analytics, categorize information and rank it according to user criteria.
Tracking changes in integral ranking parameters provides insight into MRO quality and trends.

Fault classifier
Due to the variety of interpretations of the deviations considered, the fault classification tool is as flexible as possible and allows them to be entered in any convenient way.

Universal approach.
Data systematization
Application structure
The web application consists of a server and a client part. The application requires:
- decoded parametric data,
- information about maintenance events of the product.
The application performs daily control of new flight data and maintenance information, on the basis of which the condition of the product is monitored and the calculation models are updated.

Calculation structure